Baby Girl Names




Persian for jasmine. Synonym of Yasmin.

Yasmoon is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Yasmoon. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Yasmoon.

 It means white rose in arabic

The flower Jasmin

Yazeedah is an Arabic name for girls that means increase, growth.

Dark night



 Right-hand, right, Good fortune, success, lucky, blessed fem. of Ayman.

Right side, blessed, grace.

Yumnaat is an Arabic name for girls that means blessings, blessedness.

 Right side, Happiness, success fem. of Yumn.

Right side

Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).

Easy , One of the first two swear allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet (S.A.W) among the Ansar (but it is also said that she was among the Muhajirs (Emigrants)

 Colloquial Persian for beautiful, beloved, coquettish.

Most prosperous, Left-hand side, state of ease.

Most prosperous

Most prosperous, Left side,easier.

Yusraat is an Arabic name for girls that means ease, luxury, lack of difficulty.

Yusrah is an Arabic name for girls that means ease, luxury.

 Yusriya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means rich, needless, in ease. It is derived from the Y-S-R root which is used in many places in the Quran.

Yusriya is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Yusriya. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Yusriya.

Most prosperous, Warm.

 easy, kind, smooth, sahabia

Arabic for prosperous, increasing in goodness.

Victorious, Successful

Victorious, successful ,Most prosperous

Abstinent, lacking mundane ambitions.

Feminine form of ZAAHIR


visitor, guest.

Zaakiyah is an Arabic name for girls that means one who increases in growth and goodness, virtuous, blessed.

Power, Authority, Command, Glory, Honour

One who stands surety for another one who helps.

Beautiful Flower

Zaaria is a Kurdish name for girls that means ocean, great sea. It is a variant of Zaria. It may also be spelled as Zaria, Zarya and others.

Leader, Head, Chief

 Flame (of a candle)


Zabi or Dhabi is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means gazelle, antelope. The name of the city and state of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates comes from this word.

 Like Deer

Arabic for with great knowledge, extremely wise.

She was the daughter of al-Barra bin Maroor, she reported Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.

Zabiyyah or Dhabiyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means gazelle. It is the feminine form of Zabi/Dhabi.

Persian for highest, most sublime.

Female gazelle.


Zafaa is an Arabic name for girls that means side, proximity, growth, increase.

Victory, triumph.

One who is a source of success, a successful lady.