
in baby boy name

The meaning of Rushdan is  Rushdan is an Arabic name for boys that means right guidance, right path, rightly guided, on the right path.

Find out how the meaning of Rushdan and the energy of your name have shapedyour life. Request a Free Name Report. The name of Rushdan indicates you are a patient, meticulous person who enjoys working in a very detailed, systematic way, in such fields as mathematics, science, mechanics, computers, or engineering.

Rushdan is a Muslim baby boy name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Rushdan. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby boy names like Rushdan.
Rushdan Name In Arabic : رشدان
Rushdan Name In Bangla : রুশ্দান
Rushdan Name In Urdu : رشدان
Rushdan Name In Hindi : रुषदन