

Gharizah is an Arabic name for girls that means instinct, intution, impulse.

Noble lady


Liberty, generosity, munificence.

Ghasina is an Arabic name for girls that means gorgeous, extremely beautiful.

 Bud, blossom.

Youthful and pretty girl

Dynamic, moving.


Ghawani is an Arabic name for girls that means beautiful, needless.

Ghaya is an Arabic name for girls that means end goal, ultimate goal.

Ghayat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Ghayah which means end goal, aim. It is used for boys and girls.

Young and delicate

Young and delicate

Ghaysaa is an Arabic name for girls that means a land where rain has recently fallen, especially an area that had a strong need for rain.

Ghaysah is an Arabic name or girls that means rain, especially a rain that brings good and rescues a dry land.

A young deer (fawn, gazelle), Beloved, Delicate young person

Ode, poem

 Gazelle, Fawn, a young deer, the sun.

Ghazalaat is an Arabic name for girls that means gazelles. It is the plural of Ghazalah. It also means the sun at the time of its rising.

Female gazelle

Conqueror, Striver (in the defence of true faith)

Female Warrior.

Female Warrior.

 Ghaziyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means enduring, patient, a person who is silent in the face of hardship and does not complain.

Ghaziyyat is an Arabic name for girls that means patient, enduring.

Ghazulah is an Arabic name for girls that means spindle, a handheld tool that women use to spin yarn (to make threads out of wool and other materials).

Gheeta is a Persian name for girls that means the creation, existence.

Gheeti is a Persian name for girls that means the world, existence, the creation.

 Gheeti Afrouz is a Persian name for girls tat means one who brings light to the world, one whose radiance enlightens the world, figuratively meaning beautiful.

She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Ghilara is a Persian name for girls that means pupil (the hole in iris of the eye through which light enters the eye).

Singing, song, Richness.

She was a narrator of hadith

 From gazzalle

Ghoncha is a Persian name for girls that means flower bud, a flower that has not yet opened, and figuratively it means beautiful and young.


Ghudwah is an Arabic name for girls that means early morning, the time between dawn and sunrise.

This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night. (AN)

 Ghufrah is an Arabic name for girls that means female baby mountain goat.

Forgiving, to conceal, Another name for god, pardon, benevolence.

Forgiveness, Remission of sins

Her Kuniyah was Umm Sulaym She was a front-rank companion RA and narrated ahadith. She died in the times of Sayyidina Usman RA.

Lebanese term for saffron or yellow color.

 Bunch of flowers.

 Indispensable , song.


Ghuraibah is an Arabic name for girls that means gold, silver.

Ghuraisah is an Arabic name for girls that means newly planted tree, newly planted seed, young tree.

Ghuraizat is an Arabic name for girls that means plantings, multiple acts of planting a tree.