

 Atafah is an Arabic name for girls that means affectionate, compassionate.

Watch tower

 Atanaz is a Turkish-Persian name for girls that means fathers pride, fathers solace, fathers darling. It is formed from the Turkish word Ata (father) and the Persian naz (beloved, darling).

Atarin is a Persian name for girls that means fiery, rosy and figuratively it means beautiful. It is the name of a famous woman in the Achaemenid Persian Empire who was a descendant of Cambyses II of Persia, son of Cyrus the Great.

Atarisa is a Persian name for girls that means fiery, like fire, and figuratively it means passionate, beautiful.

Gift from Allah

 Atayat is an Arabic name for girls that means gifts, things given freely.

Ateebah is an Arabic name for girls that means gentle, soft, delicate.

Ateef is an Arabic name for girls that means affectionate, compassionate.

Affection, Sympathy, compassionate.

 Ateefah is an Arabic name for girls that means affectionate, compassionate.

Ateen is a Persian name for girls that means brought into existence, created, ripe, mature.

Ancient, noble, fem. of Atiq.

 Old Ancient

 Ateera is an Arabic name for girls that means fragrant, like perfume.

A gift

Atefeh is a Persian name for girls that means affection, emotion. It is a variant of the Arabic girl name Atifa.

Atfah is an Arabic name for girls that means affection, compassion.

Deep-rooted, firmly established

A narrator of Hadith


 Compassion, affection, sympathetic, kindness , fem. of Atif.

Affectionate, compassionate, sympathetic

Kindness, sympathy.

Clear, pure, limpid (of wine), of good famous ,Flower, good smell.

Virgin, pure, clear

 Emancipated, a beautiful lady.

Beautiful, charitable, loving

Fragrant, connoisseur of good fragrance, aromatic, perfumed.


Gift, present, bounty, grant.

 Atiyaa is an Arabic name for girls that means gift, something given freely.

Gift, present

Atiyyaat is an Arabic name for girls that means gifts, thing given freely. It is the plural of Atiyyah.

Atiyyatullah is an Arabic name for girls that means gift from God.

Name of an iranian princess

Atqaa is an Arabic name for girls that means good, virtuous, honorable. Not to be confused with Atqa. This is a completely different word that means most God-fearing, most God-conscious, related to the word Taqwaa. The difference is that the name on the current page has the emphasis on the first

 Attarah is an Arabic name for girls that means perfume maker, perfume seller.

 Attawah is an Arabic name for girls that means generous, one who gives much in charity.

Atubah is an Arabic name for girls that means soft, gentle, delicate.

 Atusa is a Persian name for girls that means skilled, learned. It is the name of many ancient Persian princesses, such as the daughter of Cyrus the Great, who is known as Atossa in English.

Atyaaf is an Arabic name for girls that means thoughts, images in the mind, imaginations (i.e. imaginings).


Ausa is an Arabic name for girls that means help, support, gift. It is a variant of the word Awsah, feminine or singular of Aws.

Ausaq is an Arabic name for girls that means loads, such as the load carried by a ship or carriage, or the load of fruit borne by a palm tree. It is the plural of Wasq.

Wife of prophet muhammad


Ava is a Persian name for girls that means voice, melody, song, opinion.

Avaz is a Persian name for girls that means tune, melody, musical sound, musical voice.

Aveed is a Persian name for girls that means wisdom, sense, intelligent.

Aveen is a Persian name for girls that means pure, crystal clear, transparent. In Kurdish it means love.